Put your dream to the test, by John C. Maxwell is a really useful book. In fact, it is so good that we made a whole Sermon Series at our church based in the book. Why? Because a dream "planted" from God into your heart is also a promise! Thus the importance of finding your dream, put it to the test and chase it.
This book came into my hands in a time of transition.
My wife and I have been half-time--planting-pastoring for 2 years a little church in Guatemala, Central America, and have beginning to dream about having more time for church. This book helped us to put a lot of dreams on the table and slowly but surely take a lot of those dreams out of the table, since they were pure fantasies and not dreams. There lies the power of these pages!
I mean, if you ask me to recommend you this book in one sentence, giving you just one reason to believe that this book has the potential to fire up you heart, it will be this: "Dreams are not enemies with reality! Fantasies are!"
That's huge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maxwell asks 10 questions and you're supposed to answer 'yes' to all of them. If your 10 answers are affirmative, then you may come to achieve your dream. If just one question is answered 'no', you have some homework to do in order to turn that 'no' into a 'yes'. Those 10 simple yeses are the difference between a dream and a fantasy.
Remember the 'dreams on the table' that I told you about? Well, the 'dreams' that had to be taken out weren't dreams but fantasies. 'Put your dream to the test' teaches you how to know the difference and challenges you to pursuit what your life has been promised by God in the form of a dream!
Read this book, discover your dream, put it to the test and conquer it!