lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009


During this week, I will try to share with you five things that I've learned on the days of the mourning for my older sister (Ruby).
Friday night, as I was waiting the moment in which I was suppose to lead the worship at the service, Virginia (my wife) said something about my sister's life that made me hear the voice of God and in that moment I knew that the Lord wanted us to sing a children church song. Why? Well, just to celebrate the life a of a teacher who taught the biblical truth to dozens of children during her life.
After that song, which the hole church sang like there was no tomorrow, we sang a song that healed my heart three years ago, when my 3 year old niece died: God has been good, by Marcos Witt. I can tell you that the whole church and the whole family was at the beginning of the healing at that time.
So, what did I learned from that night? I've learned that what the psalmist says in Psalm 42:11 isn't a silly thing. I've learned that worship God in the middle of the pain really heals the heart. I've learned that singing the truth about God despite the circumstances, really heals the wound. That is what I've learned.
It's wonderful to worship God when everything is going fine, but do that when everything is going bad, well, it's another story. The power of worshiping God es something that only who has been there can understand. It can't be explain with words.
So the next time that your circumstances get against you, try this: Sing to God. Tell to your soul: Why are you downcast? Let's praise the Lord!

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